Georgia Verdicts and Settlements in Personal Injury Cases
Below is a list of verdicts and settlements in Georgia personal injury cases, most medical malpractice, and motor vehicle collision cases.
This is useful information to better understand the value of personal injury claims. But these successes do not guarantee a similar result in your case even if it sounds just like one of these cases below. Why? Because there are just too many variables of very different weights that go into the mix of how these cases are valued.
January 2023 - $147,880 Verdict: the plaintiff was driving her automobile on a state highway when it was struck in the rear by a vehicle operated by the defendant. The plaintiff claimed she suffered personal injuries, which included injuries to her back, neck and right shoulder, due to the collision. She claimed over $180k in medical expenses, but jury awarded $147k.
April 2022 - $25,231 Verdict: an adult male truck driver, allegedly suffered PTSD and neck injuries and underwent back surgery after the defendant driving his cement truck caused a multiple car pileup accident that struck the plaintiff’s vehicle.
July 2022 - $3,400,000 Verdict: sustained permanent brain damage with long range post-concussion syndrome resulting in a reduced quality of life and lost wages, after his Uber driver was involved in a broadside intersection collision with another vehicle. Uber driver admitted liability and case went to trial in Fulton County on damages.
November 2022 - $7,000,000 Verdict: woman suffered fatal injuries when the vehicle she was driving northbound, attempting a left turn at an intersection on a green arrow, was struck on the driver's side by an eastbound SUV operated by the defendant. Her family brought a wrongful death action against the defendant and his employer, claiming that the defendant was acting within the scope of his employment at the time. Jury in Fulton County awarded $7 million.
February 2022 - $385,000 Verdict: the plaintiff was riding a motor scooter along a sidewalk in Atlanta when she struck a broken, uneven and caved-in area of the sidewalk, causing her to be thrown from her scooter. She landed on her face and suffered unspecified personal injuries. She brought a lawsuit against the city of Atlanta, alleging the city negligently failed to correct the hazard and failed to maintain and/or repair the sidewalk. Jury awarded $550k but it was reduced to $385k based on the comparative negligence.
December 2021 - $100,000 Settlement: A 30-something woman traveled along I-75. She was rear-ended. The woman suffered cervical and lumbar herniations and tears and soft-tissue right shoulder and elbow injuries. She experienced significant pain for several weeks. The woman underwent chiropractic therapy, physical therapy, and painkilling injections. She continued to experience residual cervical, lumbar, and right shoulder pain. The woman alleged negligence against the at-fault driver. She claimed they excessively sped, made unsafe lane changes, and failed to safely operate their vehicle. This case settled for $100,000.
November 2021 - $195,000 Verdict: A 33-year-old woman was rear-ended on I-75. She suffered a thoracic herniation and a cervical bulge. The woman underwent chiropractic therapy for five months. She experienced residual spinal pain. The woman treated these injuries with prescribed painkillers. She alleged negligence against the at-fault driver. The woman claimed she failed to safely operate her vehicle and keep appropriate distances between vehicles. A Fulton County jury awarded $195,000.
November 2021 - $26,141,628 Verdict: A 19-year-old man drove along Route 84. He was struck head-on. The man died at the scene. His parents alleged negligence against the at-fault driver. They claimed she drove while intoxicated, used her phone while driving, and drove the wrong way. An Early County jury awarded $26,141,628.
August 2021 - $6,000,000 Verdict: A 46-year-old man was struck at an auto auction. He suffered bilateral hip labrum tears and bruising. The man underwent three hip surgeries. He also underwent six cortisone injections and physical therapy. The man experienced residual hip pain. He could not stand or walk for prolonged periods. The man alleged negligence against the at-fault driver. He claimed he unsafely operated his vehicle. The man also made a vicarious liability claim against the auction business. He received a $6,000,000 verdict.
August 2021 - $150,000 Verdict: A 88-year-old woman arrived at a steakhouse. She was struck by an employee while waiting for a table. The woman fell to the floor. She suffered a right ulna hairline fracture, a right ankle sprain, a traumatic brain injury, and the aggravation of her pre-existing dementia. Her wrist fracture and ankle sprain resolved on their own. The woman was left with memory loss and concentration difficulties. She could not enjoy spending time with her family. The woman’s family alleged worker negligence against the steakhouse. They claimed its employee negligently walked into her. The Banks County jury awarded $150,000.
August 2021 - $100,000 Settlement: A 43-year-old man operated a farm tractor on Martha Berry Highway. He was rear-ended by a tractor-trailer. The impact launched the man onto the pavement. He suffered a left ankle fracture, bilateral knee fractures, bilateral knee effusion, bilateral arm and leg abrasions, left ankle abrasions, facial lacerations, and front teeth avulsions. The man underwent hip and ankle surgeries and a tooth extraction. He now limped while walking. The man alleged negligence against the truck driver. He claimed he tailgated him and failed to maintain an appropriate lookout. The man also made a vicarious liability claim. This case settled for $100,000.
June 2021 - $250,000 Verdict: A woman rode on a MARTA bus. The bus driver suddenly stopped to avoid rear-ending a vehicle. The woman was thrown to the floor. She suffered headaches and soft-tissue cervical, shoulder, right arm, right ribcage, bilateral leg, right knee, and right wrist injuries. The woman alleged negligence against MARTA. She claimed its bus driver failed to maintain an appropriate distance between vehicles, safely operate the bus, and maintain an appropriate lookout. The Fulton County jury awarded $250,000.
June 2021 - $50,000 Verdict: A woman drove along North Expressway in Spalding County. She was sideswiped. The woman suffered soft-tissue cervical, left rotator cuff, and lumbar injuries. She underwent a subacromial bursectomy, a rotator cuff repair, and a superior labral debridement. The woman alleged negligence against the at-fault driver. She claimed he made an improper U-turn, failed to maintain his travel lane, and yield the right-of-way. The Spalding County jury awarded $50,000.
March 2021 - $3,000,000 Verdict: A 40-something woman underwent a laparoscopic procedure. During the procedure, the surgeon perforated her bowel. He failed to recognize and repair the perforation. The woman was discharged hours later. She returned to the hospital with significant abdominal pain. The surgeon laparoscopy examined the woman. He discharged her after two hours. The woman died from sepsis the following day. Her family alleged negligence against the hospital. They claimed its surgeon failed to rule out and repair a perforated bowel, provide adequate post-operative care, and properly examine her condition. The Hall County jury awarded $3,000,000.
December 2020 - $7,500,000 Settlement: A 33-year-old cyclist was rear-ended and died from a severe brain injury caused by the collision. His mother brought a wrongful death case against the driver who hit him. The driver argued that he was not liable because the bicycle did not have proper lighting or reflectors. This case settled for $7,500,000.
July 2020 - $1,000,000 Settlement: A 28-year-old man was rear-ended by a dump truck. He suffered headaches, spasms, shoulder pain, neck and back strains, and multiple cervical bulges which aggravated a pre-existing eye condition and caused him to go blind. This case settled for $1,000,000.
June 2020 - $100,000 Settlement: A 7-year-old girl fell on the monkey bars during recess and suffered an upper arm fracture resulting in permanent loss of some function in her arm. Her mother sued the school alleging that the staff failed to place a soft cushion under the monkey bars and adequately supervise the schoolchildren. This case settled for $100,000.
June 2020 - $200,000 Settlement: A 36-year-old woman was rear-ended and suffered an L5-S1 protrusion. She underwent a microdiscectomy, but continued to experience residual pain and limitations. The woman could no longer perform her favorite physical activities. She also could not sit or stand for extended periods. This case settled for $200,000.
June 2020 - $550,000 Settlement: A 64-year-old man was rear-ended by a rental car. He suffered multiple lumbar herniations. The man underwent a triple laminectomy. He continued to experience residual pain and physical limitations. He sued the driver for negligent and made a vicarious liability claim against Enterprise. This case settled for $550,000.
March 2020 - $28,768 Verdict: A 29-year-old man was rear-ended at an intersection and suffered neck and lower back sprains and strains. Treatment involved physical therapy and 3 pain injections. The defense denied liability, arguing that the neck injuries were pre-existing. A Gwinnett County jury awarded $28,768.
February 2020 - $100,526 Verdict: A 43-year-old man was rear-ended and suffered cervical and lumbar sprains. The man underwent chiropractic and rehabilitative therapies for five months. Despite undergoing these treatments, he experienced residual pain and limitations. The defense admitted liability, arguing that the man’s soft-tissue injuries were minor. A Forsyth County jury awarded the man a $100,526 verdict.
- February 2020 - $12,500,000 Verdict: A 58-year-old man underwent an MRI which revealed a neck tumor. The imaging was faxed to the ENT who neglected to even look at the MRI and diagnosed the mass as a cyst. Following the visit, the mass continued to enlarge. By the time the ENT correctly diagnosed the mass as cancer it had already spread to the tongue and the patient had his left jawbone surgically removed. Patient sued for malpractice alleging the ENT’s failure to review his MRI imaging delayed treatments and caused the cancer to spread. A Bibb County jury awarded $12,500,000.
- December 2019 - $75,000 Verdict: A motorcyclist was rear-ended. He suffered undisclosed injuries. The man alleged that the at-fault driver’s negligence caused his injuries. He claimed she failed to maintain a proper lookout and tailgated her. The at-fault driver admitted liability but disputed the damages. A Forsyth County jury awarded $75,000.
- October 2019 - $200,000 Verdict: A woman tripped over an unknown object outside of a Big Lots store. She suspected it was either a folding metal sign or a piece of shelving. She sued Big Lots claiming they failed to maintain a safe store and failed to remove a hazard. The Fulton County jury found Big Lot 90 percent liable and the woman 10 percent liable. They awarded $200,000.
- August 2019 - $322,434 Verdict: A woman was T-boned. She suffered severe injuries. The woman alleged that the at-fault driver’s negligence caused them. She claimed she failed to yield the right-of-way. The at-fault driver admitted liability but disputed damages. A DeKalb County awarded $322,434.
- June 2019 - $72,500 Verdict: A man was sideswiped. He suffered personal injuries. The man alleged that the at-fault driver’s negligence caused his injuries. He claimed he made a negligent lane change and improperly braked. The at-fault driver denied liability. A DeKalb County ruled in the man’s favor. They awarded him $72,500.
- Rider v. Bradford
- April 2019 - $200,000 Verdict: A woman was T-boned by a vehicle that crossed four traffic lanes from a private driveway. She suffered personal injuries. The woman alleged that the at-fault driver’s negligence caused them. She claimed he failed to yield the right-of-way and failed to watch for other vehicles on the road. The DeKalb County jury awarded $200,000.
- March 2019 - $250,000 Verdict: A man was struck head-on. He suffered personal injuries. The man alleged that the at-fault driver’s negligence caused them. He claimed she failed to yield the right-of-way, excessively sped, and drove while using her phone. The Cobb County jury awarded the man $250,000.
- January 2019, $30,000 Verdict: Plaintiff is proceeding through the intersection of Campbellton and El Paso Roads in Atlanta when the defendant makes a left turn without yielding causing a collision. Plaintiff sues for various unspecified damages. Liability is admitted but the defendant contests the nature and extent of the alleged injuries. Jury awards $30k in damages to the plaintiff.
- December 2018, $65,000 Verdict: plaintiff is a passenger in a vehicle traveling north on Howell Mill Road in Fulton County. The defendant is driving in the opposite direction when he makes a left turn directly in front of the plaintiff’s vehicle resulting in a head-on collision. Plaintiff suffers various unspecific injuries to her back and spinal area. Defendant denies liability claiming that another driver caused the accident and also disputes the extent of the plaintiff’s alleged injuries. Jury finds defendant 100% at fault for the accident and awards $65k in damages.
- October 2018, $3,000,000 Settlement: Innocent 15-year-old bystander is shot and killed during a drive-by shooting at the Creekside Forest Apartments in Atlanta. The apartments are a notorious haven for gang and drug-related violence. The boy’s estate brings a wrongful death suit against the owner of the apartment complex and the security company. The suit alleged that one of the security guards was dealing drugs and facilitating other criminal activity and that there were over 300 safety/security code violations at the complex. After losing a summary judgment motion the defendants settled the case for policy limits of $3 million.
- October 2018, Georgia: $161,000 Verdict: Plaintiff was driving with his 4-year old son near the intersection of Arbor Place Boulevard and Chapel Hill Road in Douglasville when he was allegedly rear-ended by the defendant. Liability for the accident was admitted, but the defendant disputed the severity and extent of the alleged injuries suffered by the plaintiff and his son. The jury in Douglas County awarded $36,000 for the plaintiff’s injuries and $125,000 for the injuries to his son.
- December 2017, Georgia: $1,500,000 Verdict: A 30-year-old plaintiff with gallstones underwent laparoscopic surgery for the removal of his gallbladder. The surgeon negligently used the bladed trocar instrument and accidentally cut into one of the plaintiff’s arteries. The error caused ischemic injury to plaintiff’s sciatic and femoral nerves resulting in permanent severe right leg pain and difficulties ambulating requiring him to walk with a cane for the rest of his life. The jury in DeKalb County awarded $1.5 million in damages.
- October 2017, Georgia: $5,500,000 Verdict: A 72-year-old woman went to St. Mary's Medical Center in Athens, Georgia, complaining of pain and nausea and was initially diagnosed with painkiller-induced constipation. Later on, further imaging revealed a significant bowel obstruction but during treatment, she began vomiting, asphyxiated on her vomit and suffered a fatal heart attack. The husband sued the doctors at the hospital for malpractice claiming that they were negligent in failing to immediately identify the bowel obstruction by ordered a CT Scan or additional imaging tests right away. The jury in Atlanta agreed that the doctors were negligent and awarded $5.5 million in damages.
- April 2017, Georgia: $20,500,000 Verdict: Plaintiff went to Perry Hospital in Dothan, Georgia for parathyroid surgery. At the hospital, the plaintiff was given a drug called Methylene Blue, manufactured by the defendant Akorn, Inc. At the time, the plaintiff was also taking Effexor XR. Due to the interaction of these two drugs, the plaintiff developed Serotonin Syndrome. The plaintiff was hospitalized for several weeks and kept in a medically induced coma. As a result of her condition plaintiff suffered severe injury to her central nervous system. Plaintiff sued the drug manufacturer, Akorn, for failure to warn of the dangerous interaction between Effexor and its Methylene Blue drug.
- February 2017, Georgia: $700,000 Verdict: Plaintiff was shopping at the Kroger Store on Thornton Road in Lithia Springs, Georgia when he slipped and fell in a puddle of water. There apparently were no caution signs in the area where he fell, but there were one or more Kroger employees in the immediate vicinity. Plaintiff’s alleged injuries from the slip and fall were fairly significant. Plaintiff sued Kroger for premises liability. In defense, Kroger argued it did not have actual or constructive knowledge of any possible hazard. The jury in Douglas County disagreed and awarded $700,000 in damages to the plaintiff.
- June 2014, Georgia: $7,500,000 Verdict: A woman gave birth to fraternal twins at Gwinnett Medical Center in Lawrenceville. She was discharged the following day but quickly noticed her son was less hungry and more lethargic than his twin sister. She returned to the hospital the following week with concerns of her son’s lethargy and low body temperature. He was quickly taken by helicopter to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta where he was placed under the care of Neonatology Associates of Atlanta. Two days later, an array of tests was performed to eliminate possible causation of the infant’s condition. Eventually, the infant was diagnosed with maple syrup urine disease – a disorder that prevents the body from digesting certain forms of protein. From the disease, he had permanent, severe brain damage. He will require a feeding tube and will be impacted in all aspects of everyday life. His parents, on his behalf, sued Neonatology Associates of Atlanta and their physician who ordered testing for medical malpractice. Plaintiff claimed the Defendants failed to order appropriate testing for their son, resulting in a delay in diagnosis. Defendants denied liability, claiming that there was no deviation from the standard of care and that the brain damage was due to the negligence of the other medical providers. A Fulton County jury found the Defendants 40% liable and other non-party medicine and healthcare professionals liable for the remaining 60%. They awarded the Plaintiff a $7,500,000 payout, which was reduced to $3 million.
April 2013, Georgia: $15,263,000 Verdict: A 22-year-old man was leaving his friend’s wedding ceremony, where he served as best man. He was in the back seat with other wedding guests who were on their way to the reception. The driver began to slow down as he approached the traffic light at the intersection of Highway 247 and Green Street. Before he was able to come to a full stop the car was rear-ended by a vehicle traveling at 70 mph. The impact was so great the car was pushed 100 yards past the intersection and forced the trunk into the backseat. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Just an awful tragedy. The man’s parents sued the driver, who was operating a company owned vehicle at the time of the accident, and his employer for wrongful death. Plaintiffs alleged the driver was negligent in the operation of his vehicle by speeding and following too closely. Plaintiffs also claimed that the employer was vicariously liable for permitting the driver, who had a recorded 15 prior speeding tickets, for lettering them operate their vehicle with a poor driving record. A Fulton County jury found the defendants negligent and awarded the Plaintiffs in the amount of $15,263,000.
- April 2013, Georgia: $1,050,000 Settlement: A 67-year-old retired pharmacy technician underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy at St. Joseph’s Hospital. During the procedure, the physician experienced complications from extensive scar tissue and elected to perform open surgery. During the procedure, a tear in the portal vein was discovered with excessive bleeding. A vascular surgeon was called to repair the vein, but unfortunately, by the time he was able to assist, the woman had suffered from a large amount of blood loss and died in ICU shortly thereafter. Her adult children filed a medical malpractice suit on her behalf against the surgeon and his employer, Georgia Surgical Associates. Plaintiffs claimed that the Defendant was behind in his schedule was rushing through the surgery. They alleged the Defendant inserted a trochar tube without proper visualization, which resulted in the portal vein tear. Defendant denied negligence, claiming that he did not deviate from the medical standard of care. The parties agreed to settle during jury deliberations in the amount of $1,050,000.
- March 2013, Georgia: $55,000 Settlement: A 49-year-old woman was riding as a passenger of her husband’s vehicle on a highway in Forsyth County. While their vehicle was stopped at a stop light, they were rear-ended. The woman sought emergency treatment where she was diagnosed with disc herniation, bulging discs, cervical radiculopathy, and cervical spondylitis. The woman sued the driver of the vehicle who rear-ended her husband and his insurer, USAA. Plaintiff claimed the driver was negligent in failing to keep a proper lookout. Defendant admitted that his can fell while he was driving and subsequently his the gas pedal while trying to retrieve it. Parties agreed to settle prior to trial in the amount of $55,000.
March 2013, Georgia: $300,000 Verdict: A 57-year-old man was boarding a MARTA (Metropolitan Atlanta Regional Transit Authority) bus on Covington Highway near Memorial Drive. Before he was able to properly locate a seat, the driver pulled away from the curb, and the man fell in the aisle. When he attempted the stand, the bus made a turn and he fell once more, hitting his head against the bus window. When he was able to exit the bus, a MARTA police office contacted an ambulance who then took the man to DeKalb Medical Center. X-ray results showed pre-existing avascular necrosis of the neck as well as a possible fracture to the right shoulder. He was prescribed pain medication and discharged. The man visited his primary care physician who referred him to an orthopedist for head, neck and should pain. Eight months later, he visited a second orthopedist who recommended a partial shoulder replacement. The man sued MARTA, claiming the driver was negligent in operating the bus and for failing to allow the Plaintiff a few seconds to locate a seat before speeding away from the stop. Defendant denied liability, claiming the bus driver pulled away at a walking speed and that according to MARTA policy, bus drivers do not need to wait for passengers to be seated before pulling away from a stop. A Fulton County jury heard both arguments before finding the Defendant as negligent and awarding the Plaintiff in the amount of $300,000.
- Statistics on verdicts and settlements in personal injury cases in the Atlanta area
- Computing the value of car crash injury cases: how to put a value on motor vehicle accident cases
- Valuing medical malpractice cases
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